How To Clean Coffee Maker Without Vinegar | 11 Ways to Clean Coffee Maker

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For the longest time, vinegar has been a miracle for cleaning kitchenware appliances like juicers or mixers. Coffee machines are no exception. But what if we tell you it’s not the best way to do it?

Today’s post will unveil the downsides of the vinegar method and tell you how to clean coffee maker without vinegar effectively.

We’ll also attach a step-by-step guide to each method, so keep reading until the end to grasp all the valuable advice!

Cleaning Coffee Maker Machine: Why You Shouldn’t Use Vinegar

Most people think using vinegar to clean their coffee maker frequently is the most effective way. However, it does more harm than good and often comes with a couple of negative impacts.

First and foremost, it can’t thoroughly eradicate the bacteria. Indeed, the EPA does not list vinegar as an efficient antibacterial, which means it can not exterminate 99.99% of germs as many homeowners expect.

Moreover, although people see vinegar as the ideal cleaning solution, it leaves an incredibly pungent smell that prevents users from savoring the luscious coffee flavor. In addition, you may require numerous water rinsing rounds, which involves a long period and many attempts to clear this stink.

In addition, vinegar doesn’t excel at getting rid of greasy films. Because of its acidic nature, it does reduce germs, but it requires many sessions to eliminate grease and oils.

Further reading: Clean Coffee Maker With Apple Cider Vinegar

How To Clean Coffee Maker Without Vinegar: 11 Alternative Solutions

On the bright side, you may discover various substitutes to vinegar around the house. In other words, it’s possible to utilize different products and methods to clean your coffee machine.

Here is a compilation of 11 effective cleaning methods you may use on your coffee machine.

  1.  Baking Soda

This organic cleaning alternative is a brilliant, toxic-free, oil and filth removing solution that cleans the coffee machine excellently.

Thus, if you want to effectively clean a coffee maker without vinegar, you should use baking soda, follow 5 steps below:

  • Firstly, add warm water into the coffee-making compartment (approximately 1 cup).
  • Secondly, mix in baking soda (about a quarter of a cup) and stir until thoroughly blended.
  • Then, launch a cycle of brews.
  • Next, pour the filthy fluids.
  • Lastly, refill your container with warm water and start another brew.

You’ll know you’re done when the liquid that returns is crystal-clear. However, you must perform this phase up to three rounds if it is still not completely clean.

  1. Easy cleaning your coffee maker with lemon juice

This option has a comparable PH level to vinegar, but it does not result in a renowned stench. Feel free to cut and squeeze lemon juice at home or utilize ready-made juice bottles to clean your appliance.

What’s great about this method is that you may also brew a cup of espresso roman and enjoy it immediately after cleaning.

Here is how to use lemonade to clean your coffee maker:

  • Begin with a water-only brew.
  • Then, in warm water, mix 1/2 a cup of lemon extract.
  • Following, brew one more time.
  • Finally, perform another one or two rounds of water for the removal of the lime aftertaste.

Additionally, grab a cloth and clean the coffee jug using lime extract and water mixture. Also, clean any removable components with warm soapy water.

  1. Remove the bacteria with Cream Of Tartar

One may also gently clean their coffee machine utilizing tartar cream. The intensity of this cleaning method is comparable to vinegar, and the same result is achievable owing to the contained acids.

Follow these 6 utmost steps to use tartar cream effectively:

  • First, pour water into the coffee-brewing compartment.
  • Next, mix in 3 tbsp of tartar cream.
  • After that, make sure the cream and the water get entirely dissolved.
  • Then, start a brew cycle and remove the dirty water.
  • Finally, pour fresh water in again and set another cycle.
  1. Calcium Lime & Rust Remover

Regularly, you cannot descale your coffee machine thoroughly using lemonade or other treatments. In such scenarios, it’s advisable to apply a CLR (Calcium Lime and Rust Remover) remedy. As its name states, it consists of effectively removing chemicals of calcium, lime, and rust.

Also, the price is a massive plus for this method. For around 10 dollars, you can easily purchase CLR online.

  • Perform a thorough brew with only water to eliminate the remnants from previous uses.
  • Then, create a mixture of water and CLR following the ratio of 17:3 in the container.
  • Let a cycle finish.
  • Finally, repeat two or more brews with just water until you have no leftover CLR odor.
  1. Cleaning coffee makers by Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide, recognized as H2O2, is an ultra-cheap solvent, helping your coffee machine to purify and sanitize in just 3 straightforward phases:

  • Firstly, add in your coffee jug 1 cup of hydrogen Peroxide.
  • Then, fill the border with water and let everything blend well together.
  • Finally, perform a complete cycle.

Remember to utilize water to eliminate all smells or signs of H2O2 for as many rounds as required. Indeed, the worst case is that you drink coffee with remnants of this solution. It’s hazardous.

  1.  Denture Tablets

Denture cleansing pills are effective in killing germs and removing hard-to-remove mineral stains. And the best part? They’re available at most stores.

Here is how to use denture tablets to clean your appliance:

  • Initially, put 2 pills in the bottle.
  • Then, cover it halfway with water.
  • Allow the pills to dissolve in the lukewarm water before proceeding.
  • After that, start a brew and wait till it finishes.
  • Last but not least, perform a few more only-water brews to make sure there are no remnants behind.
  1. Use Vodka In Coffee Pot to clean the coffee machine

This combination seems funny, but trust me, it is perhaps one of the fascinating approaches to cleaning a coffee maker. The best thing about it is that as vodka offers no odor or flavor, you won’t be wasting hours performing repeated cleansing sessions to ensure there’s no aftertaste or hazardous elements.

Effortlessly follow these 2 simple steps for effective cleaning the coffee pot:

  • First, combine alcohol and water according to the portion of 1:3 in a mixing glass.
  • Then, fill the jug with the mixture and start the cycle again.

That’s all you have to do. If you’re extra careful, you may even perform another water round to ensure things are in the proper working order. Furthermore, it’s advisable also to clean the interior using vodka to eliminate any bacteria from the coffee pot.

  1. Bleach

Anyone could clean their coffee machine using bleach, yet there are some concerns to remember. First, as it is very abrasive, don’t apply this method too often, or your appliance will be under significant damage. Also, don’t ever pour bleach straight into an automated model.

For further instructions, please examine our below guide carefully:

  • First, combine water with bleach (4 cups of water for 2 tsp of bleach) in a mixing bowl.
  • Then, into your appliance, insert filter paper.
  • After that, add additional water into the jug and blend with the bleach mixture.
  • Next, switch on the product for a couple of minutes before unplugging it.
  • Lastly, to eliminate the leftover bleach, rinse the unit several times underwater.
  1. Dishwashing liquid

The simplest and quickest way to clean your coffee machine is using gentle dishwasher solutions.

All you have to do is dismantle the appliance’s removable pieces, and the dishwashing detergent will take care of the rest. You might feel surprised, yet this method rinses and cleans the components super effectively.

See how to dismantle a coffee machine here:

  1. To Clean coffee maker by Muriatic Acid

Hydrochloric acid is another name for muriatic acid, a water-based compound of hydrogen chloride used to eliminate tenacious spots. If you want to try to clean your coffee machine without vinegar, you should use muriatic acid effectively, sift through these procedures:

  • Remove the coffee maker’s removable components.
  • Combine water and Hydrochloric acid in a mixing bowl following the 4:1 portion.
  • Then, pour Hydrochloric acid into a water container.
  • Prepare the second container and cover it halfway using water before mixing it with baking soda.
  • Dip the dismantled components for 7 mins under Hydrochloric acid, then take them to the second container of baking soda and water mixture.
  • Immerse the pieces and watch. Soon, a chemical process is taking place, so be cautious! Baking soda will negate the muriatic acid and effortlessly lifts all the plague.
  • Finally, wash the components thoroughly with plenty of water.


Muriatic acid works wonders when it comes to removing scale from this pot. However, please put your well-being ahead.

Because of its aggressive characteristics, you should always dilute hydrochloric acid using water in advance. Also, pour acid into the water gradually, never the other way around.

Finally, when cleansing, wear protective equipment such as protective gloves and protective goggles.

Further Reading: Common Uses & Safety Guide When Using Muriatic Acid

  1. Borax

Borax is a versatile cleanser that one can utilize to clean the flooring, counter, refrigerator, coffee machine, and plenty of other things.

Indeed, it cleans without leaving any hazardous chemical residue, making it an excellent solvent for house cleansing. So if you’re wondering how to clean your model using Borax, here is the answer:

  • Fill the appliance’s reservoir with water.
  • Then, pour 2 tsp of Borax in and let everything blend well.
  • Continue to operate the unit until the brew is complete.
  • After that, repeat the process 3 to 4 times with clean water.


Now you have it – how to clean coffee makers without vinegar thanks to our best 11 alternatives. Some of them might be a bit complicated and require extra attention, yet some are extremely straightforward. Feel free to work with what you have in store! Enjoy your delicious coffee.

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