Can You Use Evaporated Milk In Coffee?

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Many people like to add milk to their coffee, which is one of the most common ways to spice your coffee a little bit and enjoy a new taste experience.

If you run out of milk or coffee creamer and happen to have a can of evaporated milk on hand, the chances are that your mind would be filled with questions like, “Can I use evaporated milk as a coffee creamer?”.

Continue reading to learn more about evaporated milk and how you can use it to make coffee.

What Is Evaporated Milk?

To make evaporated milk, approximately 60% of the water in whole milk is removed. The milk is then heated (boiling) until the water evaporates.

When the liquid has been reduced sufficiently due to water evaporation, it is homogenized, sterilized, and, of course, canned. Evaporated milk can be stored for 6 to 12 months, but check the label for the “best before” date.

Evaporated milk is thicker and creamier than regular milk. In addition, because of the high heat used during the evaporation process, the sugars (lactose) in the milk caramelize slightly, making it darker.

As a result, it has a creamier mouthfeel than regular milk, but also slightly sweeter.

Further Reading: Difference Between Evaporated Milk And Sweetened Condensed Milk

Can You Use Evaporated Milk In Coffee – Instead Of Coffee Creamer?

Evaporated milk is helpful in recipes where a creamy texture is desired, but no additional sugar or sweetness is required. You can always use evaporated milk to make your coffee velvety smooth and soften the bitterness.

Evaporated milk gives your coffee a milky flavor because it is essentially concentrated milk with a less watery texture. In addition, it may develop a mild caramelized flavor due to the extensive heat processing.

However, because evaporated milk is thicker than most coffee additives, utilizing it properly is recommended.

Let’s consider the advantages of using evaporated milk in coffee. To begin with, it might make your coffee creamy. Furthermore, if you can’t live without sweetened coffee creamers, evaporated milk can be an excellent alternative. And adding milk to coffee does not reduce caffeine, so do not worry about it.

Moreover, because evaporated milk is shelf-stable, people may use it as a milk or creamer alternative anywhere.

The only drawback of using evaporated milk in coffee is the leftovers. Since evaporated milk only has a four-day shelf life and you only need a tiny bit to add to your coffee, it is essential to figure out how to get rid of it.

Although you can partially preserve evaporated milk, all of the thawed milk should be used at once.

It’s probably preferable to save the evaporated milk for smoothies or desserts.  However, savory meals like mashed potatoes, white pasta sauce, and so on are also included.

Related post: Can You Use Heavy Whipping Cream In Coffee?

How To Use Evaporated Milk In Coffee: Pro Tips To Remember

Using evaporated milk in coffee is simple. However, keep in mind some beneficial tips before using evaporated milk to make your energy drink creamier because it has a thicker consistency and doesn’t add sweetness to the coffee.

Here are the step-by-step directions for making excellent and creamy coffee with evaporated milk:

  1. Make a cup of coffee you love: Freshly brewed coffee or cold brew from a previous batch is both acceptable. While the thick evaporated milk may only mix well in hot coffee, this is not the case.

You can also use evaporated milk to brighten the flavor of your cold coffee.

  1. Add the evaporated milk to the mix: Any type of evaporated milk you choose can be used, whether it’s skim, whole, or low fat.

Because evaporated milk is thicker than coffee creamer or ordinary milk, don’t use the same quantity. For 240 mL of coffee, three tablespoons of evaporated milk is an excellent place to start.

  1. To dilute evaporated milk in coffee, whisk everything together thoroughly. This should only take a few seconds if your coffee is hot.

If you’re using cold coffee, start by combining the evaporated milk with a small amount of coffee to get a homogeneous mixture faster, and then add the rest.

  1. Taste the coffee to check if you like the flavor and texture. Add extra evaporated milk if necessary.

After a few attempts at brewing coffee with evaporated milk, you’ll have a good idea of how much you’ll need to get the right consistency and flavor.

  1. Add sugar or sweeteners of your choice. Flavoring extracts can also be added. Alternatively, if your coffee is too hot, add ice.

Related post: Can You Put Milk In A Coffee Maker? (A Complete Guide & Explanation)

3 Best Evaporated Milk Brands On The Market

Do you want to know which evaporated milk brands can help you enjoy a creamy coffee devoid of sugar, calories, and fat? We’ve selected three of the best that are worth giving a shot:

1. Meyenberg Evaporated Goat Milk

Evaporated cow’s milk is a common choice. However, if you are allergic to cow’s milk, evaporated goat milk is definitely a better choice.

2. Carnation Evaporated Milk

Nestle’s Carnation evaporated milk is likely the most well-known evaporated milk, so it’s no wonder that it’s a best-seller.

This evaporated milk is rich and creamy. The result is excellent whether you use it in coffee, desserts, soups, or sauces.

3. PET Evaporated Milk

PET Evaporated Milk is another excellent alternative. PET was the first business to commercialize evaporated milk, at least as a shelf-stable product. The secret to the popular evaporated milk is a high level of competence.

The PET evaporated milk, which is vitamin D-fortified, has 20 calories per tablespoon and only 1 gram of saturated fat.

The protein level is one gram per tablespoon, which is the same as the preceding selections. PET makes fat-free evaporated milk as well.


Evaporated Milk and Coffee Creamer can create huge differences. Evaporated Milk Coffee is a creamy and delectable way to start or end your day with a cup of coffee.

So as long as you like, be free to choose either of them. It’s up to your preference to make your own favorite cup of coffee!